Thursday, February 11, 2010

Camera strap give away

How cute are these camera straps? I want them all. Shealynn has offered a $25 gift certificate to her store Just leave a comment and I will let her choose the winner tomorrow evening.


co•lin fam•i•ly said...

Oh my heavens! Those are adorable!

Stacy said...

I want them all too!

Heidi said...

So super cute! I would love to win one.

Claire said...

oh my goodness, these are precious!!!

KIC said...


Sarah Anne said...

I would loooove one. So cute and trendy.

Skye said...

I've got that top left one and I LOVE it! Except not anymore because I gave it to my mom for her birthday. Dang it!

FJ Johnson said...

I love them all. What a cute idea.

Bryndee Slade said...

Those are so fabulous! Great colors and patterns. I would look so Fantastic with one around my neck. Thanks for the opportunity!

krystie said...!

Strauss House said...

I love these - ruffles and velvet?! Are you kidding me?

mindy.strauss @

Jennifer Napierski said...

Gimme Gimme!

Erin said...

Oh my word... that first one is HOT!!! I have to have it.

Karina Rigtrup said...

Oh dear...I think I'm in LOVE! Can a camera strap be my Valentine?

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes Please!!!

j e s s i e said...

These are some of the cutest ones I've seen... and I'm not just sayin'! Love the detail, especially the top left.

Misty said...

Adorable! Thanks for this opportunity! =)

ashley b said...

I love them all!!

Hodson Family said...

I would love one!

Katie said...

These are SO cute! I want one!

Jamie said...

Those are so cute! I love how the fabric is gathered on the bottom left one. I always get so excited when I open my Google Reader and see Peekaboo in Bold print! Love your work! :)

Coleen said...

well... consider this my official "wanties" comment. I like the green one :)

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold said...

My partner and I are doing our first wedding in March and it would be so wonderful to show off one of these on the big day :-)!

Crystal said...

ADORABLE! I would love one!

Tami said...

Okay those are SO FREAKING CUTE! I love finding creative and talented people who sell stuff like this, It keeps me stylin! I am going to keep tabs on this girl I would love to see what else she makes!

Monika said...

Wow, love the velvet one!!

Lacey McKay said...

Love these and I need a camera strap! :)

Ashleigh said...

I could definitely use one of these....and it wouldn't hurt to look uber fabulous while on my shoots, either. These are adorable!

The Giauques said...

I would love one of these! Very Cute!

anya said...

So creative and adorably cute! would LOVE one! Love love the ruffles.

Dave and Natasha said...

Love them! I just got a new camera, so I hope I win!

jules said...

Completely gorgeous. Would really love one of these beauties....


Schauss Family Happenings said...

How could you not want one? ADORABLE! I want one, too! What a cute idea.

michelled said...

hope I'm not too late! I've been dying for a new cute strap!!

Lindzie said...

I hope I'm not late either! I almost bought one of these...but couldn't pick one. :)

~McGregor Clan~ said...

Love it...A camera accessory like I haven't seen before. Would love to show that off!!

Josh and Tiff Roundy said...

They are all so cute!! I would love something like this for my camera.

Kim, Bryan, Ethan & Ella said...

I will take one of each please!

kaTie said...

i want one.
i want one.

those are dang cute!

KRISTIE said...

i love cute camera straps!! so much better than bragging about your camera the stock strap!

megan said...

oooh LOVE

Julie Livermore said...

These are adorable!!! I would wear my camera on my neck even when I wasn't taken pics, lol!

mmm... said...

love these!

missliss5/Melissa said...

I sooo love to see the pictures you post, and I'd feel super awesome if I had a camera strap like those. I peeked at her blog and ooohhh lala. SO CUTE!

Deborah said...

Love, love, LOVE them!!

TwoRing said...

Oooooo I've been searching for a new camera strap and these are FAB-U-LOUS!

Courtney B said...

I have been wanting one of these :) Now I may not have to make one!!!

Karin said...

I just saw these camera straps featured on another blog, too- love them!

Unknown said...

So creative! I love 'em!!!!

Unknown said...

These are ABSOLUTELY, 100% adorable!!! I love the double-sided fabric with velvet, ruffles and cute prints!! WOWZA!

Trish said...

Wow! These are GORGEOUS!!!!! I would love to win one :)

Jessie said...

So I am totally convinced that I would take MUCH BETTER pictures if my camera strap had one of these beauties on it.

Hands down the cutest camera strap covers I have ever seen!

Shantel Elise said...

Oh please, please, please let me win. The only thing I asked for before Christmas was a cute camera strap for my camera. However, Santa must have missed the memo, along with the rest of my family. And, these straps are 10 times cuter than the ones I was asking for! Please!

p.s. I love your photos, and really enjoy popping in every time you update. Thanks for the break you give me from the crazy thing we call life!

Ashley Mae McKnight said...

That green one- LOVE!

Stacy said...

too cute! I've been wanting to gussy up my camera for awhile now.

BGB Photo & Design said...

So cute! I love these fun straps --it let's you bring out your personality when you are shooting even when you can't talk to everyone at the wedding! And the kids love them during shoots too!!

Heather Williams said...

These camera straps are so fun! I love the look of the ruffeled ones.

P.S. I hope you find your dog.

Rachel said...

They are all so adorable! I would love to win one!

Melissa said...

So cute! I would love one

Candi & Ezra said...

I'm in love!

kelsie rae. said...

Oh my! these are awesome! my camera would love me (and you!) so much if i won!

Dallas said...

OMG! Those are sooo cute! I would just LOVE one!

Kim said...

wow! so cute! pick me, pick me.

grafixmel said...

So cute. I LOVE them.

Anonymous said...

I was just looking at these the other day! I would absolutely be doing back flips, well........maybe not back flips since after having 5 children my back is not what it used to be, but I'd be soooooooooo HAPPY!

Kathy Ward said...

I completely love them all! I would buy one of each if I had the money!!

Rachael said...

These are so stylish! I love them, a must for every lady photog out there! I'd love to win one for my birthday that is next week! ;)
keep up the fAb work lady, your amazing!

Anita said...

Oh, my oh my, I need a new strap!

christie said...

Super cute. Love them!

Brittni Schroeder Photography said...

So lovely!

Brinton, Becky, and Gang said...

SUPER CUTE!! Love the colors!

Crystal said...

Gorgeous! My camera's ego would be super inflated if I let it wear something like that...

Maloree and Daniel DeMille said...

Amazing. I need one.

Amy said...

very, very cute! thanks!

Courtney Haynie Smith said...

Love them!!! This Would make me want to just wear my camera as an accessorie, not a camera.

Unknown said...

All of Shealynn's designs are so beautiful. I have my eye on many of them! The Tuxedo, The Bow Tie, Pink Candy...

Crystal said...

Those are great! I want one...

Karyn Hatch said...

love love love these! Especially the yellow polka dot one! I want one!

Nekane said...

Ooooh these are to nice!!! I want them all too!!!

Jen Anderson said...

Need & WANT one of these... badly!!

Brooke said...

Oh my! I want to be fashinable with those! Pick me please:)

Ginny said...

oh man sooo cute! I NEED on for my camera!!! & said...

Those are awesome...I could be cliking in style!

Erin W said...

How can you pick? They are all sooo cute!!!

Jeanette said...

I would love one, they are beautiful!

j said...

I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cute!!!Thanks for the giveaway.

Beyond the Darkroom said...

Love them!!

Shelby said...

These are the cutest straps that I've ever seen! I love the little ruffle detail!

Tara said...

Shey B they are amazing! I'm telling you I will stand front and center outside the market holding a sign... "Will work for a camera strap" thanks for a chance to win something fun.:)

Erin Darrington said...

Shealynn & Kate: Beautiful work on both of your parts!

Pretty pretty pretty .... pretty pretty .... pretty PLEASE with whipped cream and sprinkles and a cherry on top pick me! :)

Dana said...

These are so cool! ThanQ for giving one away. I would love to win!

beck said...

i LOVE the green one! Would love to win!

Awesome Andrew said...

OH MY GOODNESS these straps are just to DIE for! i would DIE to have one! totally cute! thanks for the chance to win!

Amy Jo said...

Those are so cute! I love there is a market now for cute camera straps!

rachel june* said...

oh i'd love!

Caylee said...

These are SOOO very cute!!

Lynzi said...

Those are great, I love love them!!

Nataly Harris said...

I would soooo LOVE one of these! Otherwise, I'd have to try my hand at making my own, and trust me, it ain't gonna be pretty!

Angie Higa said...

I'd totally be into one. They are so cute!

Natalie Wright said...

Oh man those are cute!!!

Gray Benko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa Mooradian Photography said...

Those are very cute! Thanks for sharing. I will check out her website.

Gray Benko said...

So Cute!!! Those are the most precious camera straps I have ever seen!

beckyabernathy said...

WOW. LOVE these! That blue is the same color of my logo! i've gotta have it! :-)

Chotz said...

Those are so stinkin cute!! I want one! Pretty pleazzzzz! Happy Friday. :)

Lacey said...

i like them all! now i just need to get a camera! :)

Cammee said...

I just received my first big girl camera for my birthday on Wednesday. These are all fabulous and beat the heck out of that ugly Nikon strap!

Robyn said...

How sweet of her and you! :) These are so so so cute! That girl has skills!

Unknown said...

I want one...or all of them:)

Anonymous said...

These are awesome, love them! Love your work from a starting photog in SD!

Stacy Kubesh said...

These are "funabulous" as my 3 year old would say for fun and fabulous! Love them!

Nichole Bruce said...

Ohhh! i need one!

Emily said...

AMAZINGLY cute and stylish...I can't decide on just many great options!

Jhoanna Murray said...

I want one of each. So cute!

Ashley Webb said...

Beautiful! Hope I win!

kg said...

I am want them all as well!!

Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

they are beyond cute! would love to have one!

'T' said...

love your blog - love the straps - hope i win :)

Trav and Linds said...

So cute! I would love to win!

Holly said...

How lovely! I especially love the ruffles!

I hope I win (said like Mr. Bean in the movie Rat Race)!

Casey Jensen said...

I have never seen these. They are soooo cute! Happy Valentines!

My Reading Blogs said...

Those are so cute, would love to win one.

Green Sea Anemone said...

I keep looking at new straps and those are some of the best I've seen. Nice work!

The Hale Family said...

I just got a new camera and LOVE these straps, they are adorable. I will be telling everyone about them! I would love to win one.

Nicole Kelley said...

So cute!!! I LOVE them! So creative to be able to express style instead of a boring old camera strap. Just awesome!

Sara said...

Ooh, those are cute! Love all the colors!

Unknown said...

love love love the green polka dot!

bev412 said...

These are so, so pretty. Would love to show one off while taking pics of my new princess.

Taryn and the boys said...

so dang cute, i want one!

Helen said...

so cute!

Candice Harris said...

Ooooo, pick me, pick me! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE the yellow one--so cute!

Soul Focus Photography said...

Yes, please! My friend jessica is always telling me i need to get rid of the D700 strap that came with the camera

Jessica Reeves said...

I LOVE these! So cute!!

Nori Duran said...

Meeee! Can I have one please!!

Erica said...

So adorable!! What a great giveaway! Thanks!

Crystal said...

Oh my gosh, sooo adorable. This would look fabulous on my camera!

Lindsay said...

Very cute! Would be much more fashionable then my Nikon strap!

Taryn said...

These are super cute! I love the fabrics and textures. I bet they are a whole lot more comfy than the standard straps too. : )

Kerry said...

so so cute!

Jessica Downey said...

I've had my eye on these for awhile now. So nice to see you're giving one away... I'd love to have it!

Nicki said...

so cute and stylish!

emily said...

Those are so cute! I never win anything, but I might as well try, right!? Thanks!

Jaidean said...

So cool! Thanks!

Shannon said...

I hope I'm not to late. I totally saw these awesome stylish camera straps over at i{heart}faces too. I so want one they are so cute and trendy!

Andrea Marie said...

I desperately need a new camera strap and these are adorable!

james and tara said...

Simply perfect! I would love love love one!

Brooke said...

How Genius! I could be the cutest mom at park day! Pick me!

The Tanuvasa Family said...

I love these camera straps! And how generous to give one away!

ec said...

wow. cutest i've ever seen.


Erin xoxo said...

Wowzers there's been a LOT of comments!!!! I would loooove one!

Lisa Mills Photography said...

Such a neat idea for a giveaway.

alli said...

The straps are so nice! thanks for the giveaway!

northssclub at yahoo dot com

Liz Applegate said...

Love, love them. I would love one.

Darla said...

So dang cute!

Amber said...

Oh! I love the bow tie! These are sooooooooo cute :)

Jodie Allen said...

Oh man! I have to have the lime green polka dot one! LOVE!

Tiffany said...

Fun! Love these.

cupcakefitz said...

Wow! How would you choose wich one? I love them! Pick me!

Nicole said...

I was just thinking I would like to get a new camera strap! I love them all!

Kara said...

I love them all, but the green one is striking.

Jen said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Pick me!

Todd and Jenn said...

So cute! I need need one of these!

sarah.elizabeth<3 said...

ooh! count me in on the giveaway!

Shannon said...

LOVE them!!! Pick me Pick me!!

{jane} said...

me, please!

i NEED a camera strap, i don't have one, and these are a-DOR-able!

please. please. please.

Cassie Mickelsen said...

Wow! Those really are the cutest camera straps I have ever seen!

Chenoa said...

so cute! Especially the one with the yellow velvet!!!

Stacy of KSW said...

I actually asked for one of the camera straps for Christmas, but unfortunately didnt get my wish. It would be fantastic to win one of these beauties now :)

Jaime Stephens said...

I hope I am not to late on this, those are so cute! I would love to win one!